Southern Highlands Model of United Nations (MUNA)
MUNA simulates the workings of the UN Assembly by having teams of 2 or 3 students from a number of schools representing different UN countries in debates on matters of world political and social concern.
The purpose of the Model of United Nations Assembly (MUNA) is to encourage young people to learn about other nations and to understand and appreciate the workings of the United Nations while they develop research and debating skills, time management strategies, essential team work processes and gain self confidence in public speaking.
Most Rotary Districts hold a District MUNA with the winning team then going onto Canberra to debate on behalf of their District and school in the National competition. As our District runs the National competition there is not a District competition prior to this.
The Southern Highlands Rotary Clubs in conjunction with Rotaract decided that we wanted to be able to give more of our local students an opportunity to participate in this program and gain skills, with the winning team being sponsored to the National competition held in Canberra at Old Parliament House in August.
Therefore, a Committee has been formed and the first Southern Highlands Model of United Nations will be held on 21st March 2015 at the Wingecarribee Shire Council.
Information packs including an Application form has been sent to each of the seven Southern Highlands High schools. They will need to have a teacher willing to work with a small team of students. There are no costs for the school to enter their team.
Schools are invited to nominate senior students to participate in the program designed to build bridges of goodwill and understanding.
Before the debate begins, a delegate may deliver a brief address setting out the most important facts about the country he or she represents. The resolutions to be debated are selected from those actually debated by the UN as well as a number of motions proposed by the teams. The debates reproduce genuine UN debates, often with a fine flow of rhetoric, points of order, and motions of dissent and bloc walkouts!
A selected team is provided the opportunity to compete against teams on a national level in Canberra. Teams from all Rotary Districts have the opportunity of participation. Once again participants should be invited with their teachers and parents to relate their experience to the sponsoring club.
For more information about MUNA in the Southern Highlands, contact your local Rotary club at Bowral-Mittagong, Berrima District or Moss Vale.